

Enniskillen Horse & Pony Show
Enniskillen Horse & Pony Show
Necarne Castle
Co Fermanagh
Starting Time 9:30am Sharp

The organisers of Enniskillen Show are delighted to announce the addition of a ‘Young Rider Section’ into the 1.20m class with a separate additional prize fund of £250 up for grabs this Saturday along with a full compliment of classes for both Horses and Ponies.

Saturday 20th June 2015
Arena 1 - Starting Time 9:30am Sharp Prize (£) Entry (£)
1 90cm £100 £10
2 1m £100 £15
3 1.10m £150 £15
4 1.10m Bucas National Ladies League £250 £20
5 1.20m £150 £15 (Young Rider £250)
6 1.30m £500 £20

Arena 2 - Starting Yime 9:30am Sharp
7 50cm Newcomers League In Kind £10
8 Under 8 60cm National Discovery League In Kind £10
9 Over 8 & Under 10 70 cm National Discovery League In Kind £10
10 128 70cm £50 £10
11 128 80cm National Pony League £85 £10
12 128 90cm £50 £10
13 138 80cm £50 £10
14 138 90cm National Pony League £85 £10
15 138 1m £50 £10
16 148 90cm £50 £10
17 148 1m National Pony League £85 £10
18 148 1.10m £50 £10
19 148 1.20m £50 £10

Course Designer/sJohn Chambers (Sen Nat), Ian Monteith (Sen Nat)
Enquiries / ContactDesmond Rolston 07768321562

Safety OfficerDesmond Graham, James Egerton, John Lunny
Showing, Working Hunter and other jumping classes also on the day. Full schedule on website.
Entries to classes 1 and 7 close at 10am. Entries to all other classes close 30 mins after the start of class.