

The next round of the 2015 BLUEGRASS DIAMOND CHALLENGE moves to 'Portmore Equestrian Centre' on Sunday 27th September

The next round of the 2015 BLUEGRASS DIAMOND CHALLENGE moves to 'Portmore Equestrian Centre' on Sunday 27th September.

Portmore Horse Show
Bluegrass Diamond Challenge
27 September 2015

Start time 10am Prize (€) Entry (€) 
1 80cm £70 £14 
2 90cm £70 £14 
3 1m £70 £14 
4 1.10m £70 £14 
5 1.20m £70 £14 
6 1.30m £70 £14

Course Designer/sRay Buchanan (Sen Nat), Rafael Suarez (Sen Nat)
Enquiries / Contact: 02892650342 / 07738834261
Safety Officer: C Suarez

The BLUEGRASS DIAMOND CHALLENGE is an exciting new show jumping initiative which will see riders out in force for qualification status this Autumn for the ‘Grand Finale’ to be staged in style in Portmore Equestrian Centre on Sunday 1st November 2015.

To qualify for the final with £5000 prize fund, the rider/horse combination must achieve 3 DOUBLE CLEAR ROUNDS in the relevant height band at qualifying shows. Rider/horse combinations may qualify for more than 1 height class and compete in the respective finals. Horses competing in 1.40 are ineligible. Horses competing at 1.30 are ineligible for 1.10 and below. Horses competing at 1.20m are ineligible for 1m and below. Horses competing at 1.10 are ineligible for 90cm.
The Bluegrass Diamond Challenge has been very generously sponsored by BLUEGRASS HORSE FEEDS, who have once again shown their dedication and support for Show Jumping.

Big Bonus
A Diamond Grand Slam Bonus kindly sponsored by Fred J Malcolm, The Diamond Specialist Belfast, will award a stunning bespoke diamond valued at £500 to the combination who, throughout the duration of the Tour jump only consistent clear rounds incurring no faults and must compete in the final remaining faultless. Combinations must remain faultless in a minimum of 3 qualifying rounds plus semi final and final. (In case of more than one combination remaining faultless, the combination with the most double clears throughout the Tour will win or where there is equality of points the highest placed combination at the final will denote the winner)

Qualifier Criteria
90cm Minimum prize fund £75 entry fee £15 Art. 274.5.1
1m/1.1m/1.20m Minimum prize fund £150 with £50 guaranteed 1st prize. £20 entry Art 274.5.2

Please note this tour is restricted to horses that have not competed at 1.40m or above in the last 2 years. Horses that have competed at 1.30m can only qualify for the 1.20m section. Horses that have competed at 1.20m can qualify in both the 1.10m and 1.20m section.

Qualifying Shows September & October
Sun 6th Sept – Lusks Launch Show
Sat 12th Sept - The Meadows 
Sun 13th Sept – Eglinton 
Sat 19th Sept - Portmore 
Sun 20th Sept – Eglinton 
Sun 27th Sept – Portmore 
Sat 3rd Oct - Kernan's 
Sun 4th Oct – McKenzies 
Sun 18th Oct - Connell Hill 
Sun 1st Nov – Grand Finale Portmore