

HSI Confirm New Pony High Performance Showjumping Coach

  • 28 January 2016, 16:21

Horse Sport Ireland have today announced that the new pony high performance showjumping coach will be Gary Marshall. Marshall, is a qualified Horse Sport Ireland Level 3 Coach specialising in Showjumping with a vast array of experience in the competition ring having competed up to Grand Prix level. Marshall will take over from Tom Slattery who stood down in 2015 to concentrate on a private coaching position in the UK.


Speaking after his appointment Gary Marshall said; “Coaching is my passion, I look forward to my new role and hope to help both horse and rider achieve the best of their ability.”

HSI Equestrian Sport Co-ordinator Triona Connors said; “We are delighted to welcome Gary to our Pony High Performance Management Team his experience as a competitor and coach is a distinct advantage in the High Performance environment and I look forward to working with him in the coming season.”

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