

TRI Summer Tour Final This Week

A thrilling climax is expected as the final of the TRI Equestrian & Ulster Region Summer Tour draws to a close this Saturday 17th September at Portmore Equestrian Centre. 


Over the past 5 Months, athletes have travels the length and breath of the region picking up series points as they travelled. 


Competitors are reminded that combinations can only gain points in one class on day of final.


With 50% bonus points available for all classes on the final day, a final change on the leaderboard could see anyone be crowned the winner.


Athletes competing in more than one class should inform show secretary of which category they wish points to be attributed. 


1m Series

Carrying forward a slight advantage to the final, Justine O'Hara is just 3 points ahead Jennifer Torrens and Urban Cowboy.  With both pairings having been consistently at the top of the pleadings, the 1m final will surely go to the wire. 


1.10m Series

Another consistent partnership leads the table in the 1.10m series, Emma Jackson with  'Creevagh For Sure' carry forward 58 points going into the final. On 53 points, Jennifer Torrens once again leads the pack to challenge the win for Jackson. 


1.20m Series

Emma Jackson once again leads the series with 'Amy B'.  With a 22 point lead over her nearest rival, Simon Scott (Ploverfield Lilyanna), Jackson has a large lead going into the final this weekend at Portmore. 


1.35m Series

Having won 4 of the legs that has taken place throughout the region, Jordan Coyle comes in the final with Jim Manelly's Amigo VH Winkenshof Z carrying a slight lead over Young rider Jonathan Smyth and Charlton Clio.