



Further to Ulster Region AGM Mr Eamonn Rice today contacted the President of the Ulster Region Committee to announce his intention to proceed only with his nomination as a committee member for 2017.  After much consideration and having regard to the interests of both the members and our sport, Mr Rice has elected to withdrawn his nomination for Chairman. 


The Ulster Region President has now confirmed that Mr John Curran will take the seat as Chairman for Ulster Region 2017.  We wish him luck within his new role and look forward to the year ahead.  The 2017 Ulster Region Committee are as follows: 


President- Ray Buchanan, Chairman- John Curran, Vice-Chair- Paul Boyle, Hon. Treasurer- Ciara Mulholland, Hon. Secretary- Catherine Chambers.


Committee Members - Christopher Bogle, Fiona Carson, Janet Currie, Neal Doherty, Tom Doherty, Noeleen Mayberry, Allison Mercer, Stephen McAlinden, Gerry McCloskey, Patricia McCrum, Fiona McCurdy, Hugh McCusker, Caitriona Patterson, Derek Reid, Eamonn Rice, Aldyth Roulston, Katy Saunders, Rafael Suarez, Nicola Tang, Andrew Thompson.