

A Bumper entry of ponies and riders from across the Provence and beyond beat a path to Portmore’s Bluegrass Arena last Saturday for the second round of the TRI/Baileys Horse Feeds Spring Pony Tour. Saturday’s show was the curtain raiser for an action packed weekend of jumping at Portmore Bluegrass Arena, which hosted the TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour on Saturday and ShowJumping Ireland Horses on Sunday with over 500 animals jumping at the Aghalee venue over two-days of action packed competition.

The stage was set for the second round of the much anticipated Ulster Region pony series where first class family hospitality and superb show jumping delivered by Mr Ray Buchanan and Rafael Suarez was on the menu with HOYS commentator Eamonn McGowan adding his special touch to ensure an electric atmosphere with some adrenaline-pumping show jumping on display.

The second round of the TRI/Baileys series with the addition of the 128 Under 10 85cm Millar McCall Wylie qualifier drew a remarkable crowd from across the border with the Rush, Ruane and Reape families traveling from the West and little Alanna Fagan traveling all the way from Mullingar Equestrian Centre, all picking up their ‘golden ticket’ to the Balmoral Show final in May.

Everyone’s favourite classes of the day and kicking off the action in the 128 Arena; the 128 50cm and 60cm competition drew a super entry with some rather professional displays of horsemanship from such young athletes. Double clears included; 128 50cm: Drums girl (Jessica Baxter), Hilin Captain Corelli (Amy McLaughlin), SIR BOB (HPA) (KATE MILLAR); 128 60cm: Casper (Ur) (Adam Adair), Derraveragh Two Tone (Alanna Fagan), Dinky Diamond (Katy-Mae McElwee), Dinky Do (Clara Catherine Burns), Drums girl (Jessica Baxter), Goldilocks (LHI) (Lucy Donnan), Animal: Greenfield Mayflower (Jessica Baxter), High Star Flyer (Jenny) (Ted Gibson), Hilin Captain Corelli (Amy McLaughlin), Little Orchard Melody (Amy McLaughlin), MR.LUIGI (Che Flanagan), My Party Pop (Ted Gibson), One More (Adam Adair), Scooby Don’t (Cameron Weatherup)

The 128 Under 10 85cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour & Millar McCall Wylie Qualifier was the usual hub of excitement with commentator Eamonn McGowan setting the stage for an electrifying jump off. Embarking on a very promising career, little Robert Russell got off to a flying start as he navigated his way round the Portmore Bluegrass Arena delivering an eye-wateringly fast round to capture the spoils in the 128 Under 10's class with his super pony ‘Newtown Black Guy’ in a time of 30:15 with Jamie Clarke and ‘Phoenix Phantom’ giving a spine-tingling performance with super speedy round stopping the clock in time of 32:18 deservedly taking second place. Eva Sloan aboard ‘Kofi Kingston’ was hot on the heels of the boys in a time of 38:18 placing her in third with Tia Ruane and ‘Mister Boots’ finishing in fourth with Paddy Reape and ‘Vladimir’ and Harry Rush and ‘Rockstown Little Chief’ finishing in fifth and sixth respectively.

With fifteen combinations through to jump against the clock in the 128 90cm, Alfie Adair, delivered a phenomenal display of riding stamping his mark in the jump-off to win the class in style aboard ‘Bertie Bassett VI’ in a blistering time of 24:29 with Alfie also claiming seventh place in the class with ‘Courtway Alisha’. Galloping home in a time of 24:56 Robert Russell and ‘Newtown Black Guy’ captured a well deserved second place with Camryn Clarke and ‘Jackoo’ finished in third with 24:99.

Jemima Heffron and ‘The Nut Cracker’ certainly lived up to their name as they delivered a cracking round claiming the the victors spot in the 128 1m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour in a time of 31:98 with Lucy Morton and ‘Tynnan Tuttle Pip’ hot on her heals with 32:71 finishing in second. A blink of an eye separated Katie McEntee and ‘Barrera Star Attraction’ for third and Charles Heffron aboard ‘Dandy’ for fourth who both delivered blistering clears in 34.33 and 34:34 respectively.

Taking the two top spots in the 138 1.10m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour Alex Finney was on unstoppable form with a spectacular round in a time of 34:84 aboard ‘Keogans Boy’ taking the spoils and stopping the clock in a time of 36:40 aboard ‘Coltstown Dun Cruiser’ making the class her own with a first-second in the class. John McEntee and ‘Airdisplay’ performed a beautiful double clear in 36:52 to deliver themselves a third place spot on the leader board with Cavan man Lewis Trenier and ‘My Diamond’ finishing in fourth in a time of 37:74.

In the feature class of the afternoon, the atmosphere had built for the 148 1.20m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour with nine top combinations through to the jump-off. It was a victorious Kerrie Kerr and ‘Millfield My Time’ time to shine coming home in a time of 43:70 providing a thrilling finale to an enjoyable days 148 pony show jumping. Samuel Wilson guaranteed himself a place in the ribbons jumping an immaculate double-clear to the delight of the crowd over a challenging course to snatch second place in a time of 46:27 aboard ‘Springhill Clover’ with Eve Donnelly breathing down his neck in a time of 50:58 aboard ‘Rincoola Babog’ to take third in a very hot competition.

In the penultimate class of the day John McEntee aboard ‘Amadeus (KWPN)’ gave a flawless performance taking a thoroughly deserved victory in the COH/Juniors 1m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour with a fast jump off round leaving Hannah Agnew and ‘Edentrillick Lucy Lou’ in second place and Jennifer Torrens and ‘Errigals little Gem’ in third.

Abby Morton and ‘Tynnan Dominic Blue’ delivered a thrilling double clear in a blistering time of 26:58 in the COH/Juniors 1.10m/1.20m Handicap TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour taking the winners spot leaving Hannah Agnew and ‘Edentrillick Ruby Tuesday’ in second in 29:11 and Jennifer Torrens and ‘Amigo ( NL)’ with a steady double clear for third.

Portmore Bluegrass Arena and the Suarez family would like to thank everyone who supported and competed at their round of the TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour, with special thanks to sponsors TRI, Balieys Horse Feeds and Millar McCall Wylie, with special thanks to ‘Bluegrass Horse Feed’ for their continued support.

Portmore TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Bluegrass Horse Feeds Spring Pony Series Results:

128 50cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Drums girl (Jessica Baxter), Hilin Captain Corelli (Amy McLaughlin), SIR BOB (HPA) (KATE MILLAR)

128 60cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Casper (Ur) (Adam Adair), Derraveragh Two Tone (Alanna Fagan), Dinky Diamond (Katy-Mae McElwee), Dinky Do (Clara Catherine Burns), Drums girl (Jessica Baxter), Goldilocks (LHI) (Lucy Donnan), Greenfield Mayflower (Jessica Baxter), High Star Flyer (Jenny) (Ted Gibson), Hilin Captain Corelli (Amy McLaughlin), Little Orchard Melody (Amy McLaughlin), MR.LUIGI (Che Flanagan), My Party Pop (Ted Gibson), One More (Adam Adair), Scooby Don’t (Cameron Weatherup)

128 70cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Baronagh Boy (Cara Mc fadden), Cosmic Chaos (Mackenzie Carmody), Dinky Do (Clara Catherine Burns), High Star Flyer (Jenny) (Ted Gibson), Jacodi's Anja's Admiral (Natalie McKenna) Jim Jim (Cormac Taggert), Little Miss Bling (Cameron Weatherup), Little Orchard Melody (Amy McLaughlin), MR.LUIGI (che flanagan), scooby don’t (Cameron Weatherup), Sparkling Class Act (Jessica Baxter)

128 80cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Baronagh Boy (Cara Mc fadden), Derrylanghan Sparrow (Hollie Donnan), Jacodi's Anja's Admiral (Natalie McKenna), Jim Jim (Cormac Taggert), Little Bob (Alanna Fagan), Northlight Giorgio (Paddy Reape)

128 Under 10 85cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour & Millar McCall Wylie Qualifier 
1. Newtown Black Guy (robert russell), 2. Phoenix Phantom (Jamie Clarke), 3. Kofi Kingston (Eva Sloan), 4. Mister Boots (Tia Ruane), 5. Animal: Vladimir (Nld) (Paddy Reape), 6. Rockstown Little Chief (Harry Rush), 7. Ballykett Highlander (India Heffron) 8. Super Sonic (robert russell), 9. King Of Rock & Roll (Senan Reape), 10. Animal: Little Bob (Alanna Fagan)

128 90cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
1. Bertie Bassett VI (Alfie Adair), 2. Newtown Black Guy (robert russell), 3. Jackoo (Camryn Clarke), 4. Pepsi Mac (Jamie Clarke), 5. Mini Digger (che flanagan), 6. Dawn's Little Princess (Teaghán Eamonn Burns), 7. Courtway Alisha (Alfie Adair), 8. Mister Boots (Tia Ruane), 9. Snow Patrol II (Jamie Clarke), 10. Ballynoe Vicki Vale (Katie McEntee)

128 1m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
1. The Nut Cracker (Jemima Heffron), 2. Tynnan Tuttle Pip (Lucy Morton), 3. Barrera Star Attraction (OS) (Katie McEntee), 4. Dandy (Charles Heffron), 5. Little Miss Millie (Emily Steele), 6. Dawn's Little Princess (Teaghán Eamonn Burns), 7. Snow Patrol II (Jamie Clarke), 8. Ballynoe Vicki Vale (Katie McEntee), 9. Millfield Papoose (Oliver Doherty), 10. Mini Digger (che flanagan)

138 80cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Braveheart (CPBS) (Amy-Leigh McCauley), Kreme (Darragh Murphy), Midnite Surprise (Natalie McKenna), Moonlit Cassiopeia (Lucy Morton)

138 90cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Braveheart (CPBS) (Amy-Leigh McCauley), Callens Lady (Lucy Morton), Crehennan Pippa (Teaghán Eamonn Burns), Dernahatten Coevers Hills (erin crawford), Glenford Starlight (CPBS) (Bethany Gordon), Lackaghmore Frishow (Amy-Leigh McCauley), Lynncot Montana (Jemima Heffron), Mulvin Rollover (maeve clarke), Sparkling High Impact (ben maybin), Tell Me A Fable (Sophie Doherty)

138 1m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
1. Sundance Prince (erin crawford), 2. My Diamond (Lewis Trenier), 3. Sunny (HPA) (Amy-Leigh McCauley), 4. Flap Jack Flyer (Zara Burns), 5. Tynan Espresso (Chloe McBride), 6. Chino (erin crawford) 7. Airdisplay (John McEntee), 8. X Scream (Alfie Adair), 9. Gortmore Julie (Emily Steele), 10. Wirwick Ginger (Kellie-Rose Flanagan)

138 1.10m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
1. Keogans Boy (Alex Finney), 2. Coltstown Dun Cruiser (Alex Finney), 3. Airdisplay (John McEntee) 4. My Diamond (Lewis Trenier), 5. Aille Stewy (Natasha Kerr), 6. Dolly du Carel (Alex Finney), 7. Wirwick Ginger (Kellie-Rose Flanagan), 8. Mentos Lara (Emma Jane Mccloskey), 9. Tynan Espresso (Chloe McBride), 10. Ballywire Mirah (Ellie-Rose Cassidy)

148 90cm TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Aughavannon Marguerite (Jennifer Torrens), Bellindene Fagin (Jennifer Torrens), Kildemock Suprise (Teaghán Eamonn Burns), LCC Westmount Mirah's Star (Annie Courtney-Cadam), MSH First Choice (Trudie Hermione McCoosh), Orchard Gold (Ella Grant), rathturtin tonto (Shauna Farrell), Simon Said (HSI) (Shane Treanor), Sparkling Silver Dawn (Amy-Leigh McCauley), TEAK (Lewis Trenier)

148 1m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
Aughavannon Marguerite (Jennifer Torrens), Bay Star Lady (Shane Treanor), Bellindene Fagin (Jennifer Torrens), Border Boom (Katie Conlon), Brackhowney Blossom (Angela McAufield), Brownhill Flash (Amy Reape), Cleagh Lady (sarah moore), Derrymore Chips (Ella Grant), Double Trouble (Katie McLaughlin), Kilgarvin Morning Misty (sarah moore), Lahinch Katie (Angela McAufield), LCC Westmount Mirah's Star (Annie Courtney-Cadam), Shadow-Light (Trudie Hermione McCoosh), Shirsheen Cruiser (Alex Finney), Sunkist Lad (Amy-Leigh McCauley), Too Posh (Hollie Coster), Vales Bluebird (Niall McEvoy)

148 1.10m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
1. Moonlit Connaught (Kathryn Morton), 2. Tynan Bo-Bo Bear (Lucy Morton) 3. Sunkist Lad (Amy-Leigh McCauley), 4. Springhill Clover (URSJAI) (Samuel Wilson), 5. Shirsheen Cruiser (Alex Finney), 6. Kiltiernan Pride (Alana Roulston) 7. Mini Skinny (Ellie Humphries), 8. Silver Scott (Emma Mcentee), 9. Bay Star Lady (Shane Treanor), 10. Rincoola Babog (Eve Donnelly)

148 1.20m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
1. Millfield My Time (Kerrie Kerr), 2. Springhill Clover (URSJAI) (Samuel Wilson), 3. Rincoola Babog (Eve Donnelly), 4. Saxton Freedam (Emma Mcentee), 5. Latimer Lad (Lewis Trenier), 6. Mr Bunny (Emma Mcentee) 7. Flash Molly (Charlotte Greer), 8. Silver Dream (Trudie Hermione McCoosh), 9. LCC Some Man For One Man (Annie Courtney-Cadam), 10. where's my colour (Orla Henry)

COH/Juniors 1m TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
1. Amadeus (KWPN) (John McEntee), 2. Edentrillick Lucy Lou (Hannah Agnew), 3. Errigals little Gem (Jennifer Torrens), 4. IMPS GIRL (Mya Mc Dowell), 5. Shoshannah (Darren Irwin), 6. Edentrillick Phoenix (Hannah Agnew), 7. Palinka (Leah McVeigh)

COH/Juniors 1.10m/1.20m Handicap TRI/Baileys Spring Pony Tour
1. Tynnan Dominic Blue (Abby Morton), 2. Edentrillick Ruby Tuesday (Hannah Agnew), 3. Amigo ( NL) (Jennifer Torrens), 4. WESTMORE (Tori Showkum), 5. Chekane (Natasha Kerr), 6. Edentrillick Lucy Lou (Hannah Agnew), 7. glenpatrick cool guy (Fionn Clarke), 8. Blueoak Yogi (Abby Morton), 9. Amadeus (KWPN) (John McEntee), 10. Bally Kingdom Clover (Katie Conlon)