

The Annual General Meeting of the S.J.A.I. (U.R.) will be held in Quinns Corner, 175 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon, BT70 1RX, on Tuesday, 11th December, 2018 at 7.45p.m. for the transaction of the under mentioned business.
Christopher Bogle
Honorary Secretary





  1. Welcome
  2. Reading of notice convening the Meeting.
  3. Apologies
  4. Minutes of the 2017 AGM.
  5. Hon. Secretary’s Report (Including Sub-Committees)
  6. Chairman’s Remarks
  7. Accounts 2017/2018
  8. Appointment of scrutineers if necessary.
  9. Appointment of Committee including Office Bearers for 2019 season 

                        2. Chairman
                        3. Vice-Chairman               
                        4. Hon. Secretary
                        5. Hon. Treasurer
                        6. Committee Members

  1. Result of election.

      11. Any other relative business.
      12. Close of meeting.
Only paid up adult members are eligible to nominate and vote.
All members of Committee including Office Bearers will retire and are eligible
for re-election. Nominations to be sent as per enclosed Nomination Form
Only paid up adult members are eligible to nominate and vote.

The Ulster Region Committee consists of 5 Office Bearers – President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary & Hon.Treasurer plus 20 Ordinary Committee Members – elected for a period of one year only.
Notice of Meeting circulated 21 days prior to AGM.
Nominations for any of the above positions [Office bearer or ordinary member] may be made by any fully paid up adult member – whether on Committee or not.
The nomination form must be signed by the nominee, the Proposer and the Seconder.  SJAI membership numbers must be quoted on the form.
The appointment of Officer Bearers and Committee Members at AGM
Office Bearers are elected, followed by the election of Committee Members.


Preparation prior to AGM – a list of fully paid up Ulster Region members is obtained from Head Office. On arrival at the AGM, adult members only, are ticked off and handed a prepared voting slip/s if required.
(Voting slips will be pre-prepared, where there has been more than one nomination for any Office Bearer’s position,  or where there has been more than 20 nominations for Committee places.)
Where necessary, Scrutineers will be appointed on the night, from those members present.
Current Chairperson vacates the Chair.
President [or other uninvolved person] conducts the election of Officer Bearers and Committee members.
All positions are declared vacant.
Appointment of Office Bearers:
Chairperson is given a list of the nominations received sealed by the Committee at the pre-selected meeting 1 week prior to the AGM – these having been verified as correct.
The nominations for each post, giving the Proposer and Seconder of each, are read out in turn.


Where there is a single nomination for any post that office is declared filled. Where there is more than one nomination for a position the members are required to vote.
Where a vote is required the result is declared on completion of the count.

Appointment of Committee Members:

Where there has been more than the required number of nominations for Committee, the members will be required to vote for those they wish to put forward.

The meeting is informed that they may vote for any number of candidates up to a maximum of 20 members from the circulated list – they may vote for less than 20but if they vote for more than 20, their vote will be null and void.

The names of those nominated will be listed in alphabetical order on the voting slip – office bearers will be declared as not requiring a vote.

Where a vote is required, the result is declared on completion of the count.
The newly nominated Chairman will re-take the chair.