

TRI Equestrian Autumn Pony Tour Dates Announced

The Ulster Region Pony Committee are delighted to announce dates for the highly anticipated TRI Equestrian Ulster Region Autumn Pony Tour!  Due to the popularity of the spring tour, competitors enjoyed an atmospheric final at the Meadows on 26th May.  Competitors, venues and everyone behind the scenes supporting this tour are now looking forward to over 2 months of fantastic competition. 

There will be 10 legs at 8 venues across the Ulster Region encompassing classes from newcomers 50cm up to 148 1.20m, accommodating every level of ability and encouraging progression of our young athletes through the heights.  The tour will kick off on Saturday 31st August at Portmore Equestrian Centre, continuing at Cavan Equestrian Centre the following weekend of 8th September and the meadows on Sat 14th September with RDA Coleraine on Sunday 15th September.  The next week will see Kernan Equestrian Centre hold the show over two days.  As competitors head to Eglinton for the Northern Indoor Pony Show the following weekend.  Cavan Equestrian Centre will be hosting the TRI UR Autumn Pony Tour on Saturday 5th October as part of their 2 day pony show.  Saturday 12th October will see Connell Hill Equestrian Centre enjoy all classes on the Saturday, while competitors travel to Ecclesville the following day, Sunday 13thOctober for the penultimate round.  The tour will close with Portmore Equestrian Centre on Saturday 19th October. 

Aldyth Roulston, Ulster Region Pony Committee expressed her gratitude to Gareth McCombe from TRI Equestrian NI for his continued support of the tour. “We are indebted to Gareth and his hard working team for their encouragement and sponsorship of this important league for our pony riders.  We know how delighted the kids are to receive both TRI vouchers and prizes at the final, they absolutely love the empowerment of spending vouchers they won themselves and we couldn’t ask for a better sponsor to support our region.”  Aldyth continued “It is worth noting that following a successful spring tour, a number of these pony competitors went on to qualify for and compete in Dublin Horse Show against the country’s best and do extremely well!  These tours provide an education for our young ponies and athletes like that helps prepare them for the larger stages.”

The tour will also encompass a number of Ulster Region Pony Points Cup classes, all of which can be found on the regions website:

TRI Equestrian Ulster Region Autumn Pony Tour 2019

Saturday 31st August Portmore Equestrian Centre

Sunday 8th September Cavan Equestrian Centre

Saturday 14th September Meadows Equestrian Centre

Sunday 15th September Coleraine RDA Equestrian Centre

Sat and Sun 21st/22nd Kernan Equestrian Centre

Saturday & Sunday 28th & 29th September Northern Indoor Pony Show, Eglinton

Saturday 5th October Cavan Equestrian Centre

Saturday 12th October Connell Hill Equestrian Centre

Sunday 13th October Ecclesville Equestrian Centre

Saturday 19th October Portmore Equestrian Centre Final